Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Naturalistic Observation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Naturalistic Observation - Research Paper Example The mother stands up while looking at the child and laughs. The father, on the other hand, frowns at what he reads. He later looks at his watch and continues with his reading. The child takes a stick from the ground and strikes the water. Later, he strikes the fishes as well, and giggles. He then decides to climb up the pond to sit on its edge. The mother holds the child in an attempt to put him down from the pond's edge. She says, "Let's go, don't get yourself dirty with those mosses and unclear water, and don't strike the fishes, they'll get hurt. Now, behave yourself and get down." The mother takes the stick from the child, but the child struggles as the mother tries to put him down from the edge of the pond. This hypothesis is chosen because of the dominant feature of the mother looking after the child on the latter's possibility of getting hurt or getting dirty while the father entrusts this task to his wife and proceeds with reading a newspaper. The above interaction exhibits the correctness of the hypothesis that the mother is more attentive to the behavior of the child than the father is. This is supported by the mother's non-verbal behavior on the actions of the child, such as looking at him while he approaches the pond, smiling, laughing, getting the stick from his hand, pulling him away from the pond, and turning to her husband when the child resists to obey. ... The child does not say anything as he allows his mother to put him down. His eyes are on the fishes and stands still as he watches them. Both hands are on the edge of the pond. 2. 0. Hypothesis Based on the observed verbal and non-verbal behavior, the hypothesis drawn is: The mother is more attentive to the behavior of the child than the father is. This hypothesis is chosen because of the dominant feature of the mother looking after the child on the latter's possibility of getting hurt or getting dirty while the father entrusts this task to his wife and proceeds with reading a newspaper. 3. 0. Counting the Verbal Behavior of Participants in the Setting: In supporting if this hypothesis is correct, counting the verbal behavior of participants in the setting is undertaken. The mother uttered the following lines during the verbal observation: 1. "Lester is so hyperactive, Hon. Just look at that boy." 2. "Hey, kiddo! Be careful!" 3. "Let's go, don't get yourself dirty with those mosses and unclear water, and don't strike the fishes, they'll get hurt. Now, behave yourself and get down." 4. "Look at what Lester is doing, and this kid will mess his shirt up!" On the other hand, the father uttered only the following lines during the same verbal observation. 1. "Oh, yeah." 2. "Just watch the fishes, and don't climb up the pond!" The above interaction exhibits the correctness of the hypothesis that the mother is more attentive to the behavior of the child than the father is. This is supported by the mother's non-verbal behavior on the actions of the child, such as looking at him while he approaches the pond, smiling, laughing, getting the stick from his hand, pulling him away from the pond, and turning to her husband when the child resists to obey. On

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