Sunday, October 20, 2019

Email Essays

Email Essays Email Essay Email Essay Good day, Madam. My superior, Mr. Faustman, would like to invite you to a lunch meeting at King Charles Hotel on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. King Charles Hotel is located at River Street. You will both be discussing your plans and any additional ideas for the new project. Also coming is Mr. Rory Webster, the assistant manager of Mr. Faustman. He will be present at the meeting to share his ideas for the new project.This memo has been issued with regards to the traveling seminar our company is conducting to be held in your venue. We would like to inform you that our guest speaker is Dr. Melanie Dobler, a well-known traveling consultant. As it is, we would like to request for the reservation of a company room large enough to accommodate around one hundred people who will be attending the seminar. We would also like to request for the necessary office equipment like chairs, tables, computer and a screen for PowerPoint presentation. We also like to include in our request the printing of photo c opies of training materials. In addition to these, we would also like to request for two breaks and a casual lunch.

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