Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Naturalistic Observation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Naturalistic Observation - Research Paper Example The mother stands up while looking at the child and laughs. The father, on the other hand, frowns at what he reads. He later looks at his watch and continues with his reading. The child takes a stick from the ground and strikes the water. Later, he strikes the fishes as well, and giggles. He then decides to climb up the pond to sit on its edge. The mother holds the child in an attempt to put him down from the pond's edge. She says, "Let's go, don't get yourself dirty with those mosses and unclear water, and don't strike the fishes, they'll get hurt. Now, behave yourself and get down." The mother takes the stick from the child, but the child struggles as the mother tries to put him down from the edge of the pond. This hypothesis is chosen because of the dominant feature of the mother looking after the child on the latter's possibility of getting hurt or getting dirty while the father entrusts this task to his wife and proceeds with reading a newspaper. The above interaction exhibits the correctness of the hypothesis that the mother is more attentive to the behavior of the child than the father is. This is supported by the mother's non-verbal behavior on the actions of the child, such as looking at him while he approaches the pond, smiling, laughing, getting the stick from his hand, pulling him away from the pond, and turning to her husband when the child resists to obey. ... The child does not say anything as he allows his mother to put him down. His eyes are on the fishes and stands still as he watches them. Both hands are on the edge of the pond. 2. 0. Hypothesis Based on the observed verbal and non-verbal behavior, the hypothesis drawn is: The mother is more attentive to the behavior of the child than the father is. This hypothesis is chosen because of the dominant feature of the mother looking after the child on the latter's possibility of getting hurt or getting dirty while the father entrusts this task to his wife and proceeds with reading a newspaper. 3. 0. Counting the Verbal Behavior of Participants in the Setting: In supporting if this hypothesis is correct, counting the verbal behavior of participants in the setting is undertaken. The mother uttered the following lines during the verbal observation: 1. "Lester is so hyperactive, Hon. Just look at that boy." 2. "Hey, kiddo! Be careful!" 3. "Let's go, don't get yourself dirty with those mosses and unclear water, and don't strike the fishes, they'll get hurt. Now, behave yourself and get down." 4. "Look at what Lester is doing, and this kid will mess his shirt up!" On the other hand, the father uttered only the following lines during the same verbal observation. 1. "Oh, yeah." 2. "Just watch the fishes, and don't climb up the pond!" The above interaction exhibits the correctness of the hypothesis that the mother is more attentive to the behavior of the child than the father is. This is supported by the mother's non-verbal behavior on the actions of the child, such as looking at him while he approaches the pond, smiling, laughing, getting the stick from his hand, pulling him away from the pond, and turning to her husband when the child resists to obey. On

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nickel And Dimed Essay Example for Free

Nickel And Dimed Essay You must create a dialectical journal with fifteen (15) entries. I want five (5) entries for each section. I expect a thorough analysis of the devices/strategies identified in the text. Points: 90 Part II Create a monthly budget for a single parent with one child household living in the DMV area making minimum wage. You are to research the necessary information. You must include the current minimum wage, living accommodations, child care, grocery, transportation, and any luxuries (jewelry, dinners at restaurants, a night on the town, etc. ). I expect you to find an actual place to live and include their rental rates. If your expenditures exceed your income, you must compute what it would cost for only necessities and calculate the minimum amount of money you must earn to meet those needs. Your research information may be submitted in chart or graph form. You must cite your sources using APA style!! Points: 40 Part III Choose one of the following prompts to write an effective 2 full page double spaced 12† font AP level essay. 1. In â€Å"Evaluation,† the final chapter of Nickel and Dimed, Ehrenreich observes: Some odd optical property of our highly polarized and unequal society makes the poor almost invisible to their economic superiors. The poor can see the affluent easily enough-on television, for example, or on the covers of magazines. But the affluent rarely see the poor or, if they do catch sight of them in some public space, rarely know what they’re seeing, since-thanks to consignment stores and, yes, Wal-Mart- the poor are usually able to disguise themselves as members of the more comfortable classes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sex and Violence on Television Essay -- Television Media TV Essays

Sex and Violence on Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since its inception, television has been the center of controversy. Often it has been viewed as being extremely detrimental to society, and because of this, it is often referred to as the "Boob-tube" or the "Idiot-box". So what makes television so detrimental? - The content (or in the opinion of many) the lack thereof. It is said that television has caused the rotting of our minds, that it depreciates the imagination and contributes to laziness. But the most important accusation against what comes over the airwaves, is that it influences some people into committing antisocial and often immoral behavior. Narrowing down the search of the most important problems reveals an excess of sexual and violent material on Television, most of which is readily available to young and extremely impressionable viewers. This material is often said to be the cause for the increase of violent crimes and open promiscuity, which has become more apparent over the past few d ecades. However, many would disagree with this standpoint. They believe that the amount of sex and violence seen each day on television is not the cause of societal woes, but has been caused by the problems that are witnessed in the real world every day. Perhaps it is just another case of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Also, the television industry is one of the most profitable of all industries, especially in this country, for, "Sex sells," as the saying goes. As for the violence that we see, only violence packed movies make as much money as they do and they are more likely to receive a lot of attention when first viewed on network television than non-violent blockbusters. As a movie executive once put it, "Violence is going ... ... Cancels Crime Show That Fails to Get Any Ads."The New York Times3 May 1989:D1. "Celebrate the Freedom to Read: Read 1996's Most Challenged Books." American Library Association. 1996. Go To Constitution of the United States of America.Amendment I. Eysenck, H. J. "Sex Violence and the Media." New York: St. Martin's Press1978. Godwin, Mike. "Why We'll Win: When Uncle Sam gets out of line, Good Lawyers Are The Best Revenge" HotWired. 1996. Go To Guyton, Kady. "Censored Literature Draws Attention." Student Publications Inc. 1995. Go To Haithman, Diane."Housewife Critic of TV Finds Less to Protest."Los Angeles Times 22 July 1989:V1. Wyatt, Robert O., David Neft, David P. Badger."Free Expression and the American Public: A Survey Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the First Amendment." Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 1991. Sex and Violence on Television Essay -- Television Media TV Essays Sex and Violence on Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since its inception, television has been the center of controversy. Often it has been viewed as being extremely detrimental to society, and because of this, it is often referred to as the "Boob-tube" or the "Idiot-box". So what makes television so detrimental? - The content (or in the opinion of many) the lack thereof. It is said that television has caused the rotting of our minds, that it depreciates the imagination and contributes to laziness. But the most important accusation against what comes over the airwaves, is that it influences some people into committing antisocial and often immoral behavior. Narrowing down the search of the most important problems reveals an excess of sexual and violent material on Television, most of which is readily available to young and extremely impressionable viewers. This material is often said to be the cause for the increase of violent crimes and open promiscuity, which has become more apparent over the past few d ecades. However, many would disagree with this standpoint. They believe that the amount of sex and violence seen each day on television is not the cause of societal woes, but has been caused by the problems that are witnessed in the real world every day. Perhaps it is just another case of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Also, the television industry is one of the most profitable of all industries, especially in this country, for, "Sex sells," as the saying goes. As for the violence that we see, only violence packed movies make as much money as they do and they are more likely to receive a lot of attention when first viewed on network television than non-violent blockbusters. As a movie executive once put it, "Violence is going ... ... Cancels Crime Show That Fails to Get Any Ads."The New York Times3 May 1989:D1. "Celebrate the Freedom to Read: Read 1996's Most Challenged Books." American Library Association. 1996. Go To Constitution of the United States of America.Amendment I. Eysenck, H. J. "Sex Violence and the Media." New York: St. Martin's Press1978. Godwin, Mike. "Why We'll Win: When Uncle Sam gets out of line, Good Lawyers Are The Best Revenge" HotWired. 1996. Go To Guyton, Kady. "Censored Literature Draws Attention." Student Publications Inc. 1995. Go To Haithman, Diane."Housewife Critic of TV Finds Less to Protest."Los Angeles Times 22 July 1989:V1. Wyatt, Robert O., David Neft, David P. Badger."Free Expression and the American Public: A Survey Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the First Amendment." Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free YGB Essay - The Message of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

"`Lo! there ye stand, my children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the story "Young Goodman Brown", the prominent theme is that everyone has a dark side. As the dark figure clearly states, "Evil is the nature of mankind." Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" describes the hunger for virtue people of the early 19th century had, and how that virtue is all but a dream, through his tone and imagery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the passage begins, the first word read is "Lo!" An audience reads this word, and immediately gets the feeling that someone of a supreme nature or of high power is speaking. "...[T]here ye stand, my children," again allows the reader to see that some sort of father figure is about to speak to his children. The next several words describe the harsh tone of how this "figure" is speaking. This dark tone coming from words like "deep and solemn" easily sets up how the figure is speaking to his children. However, the reader receives a glimpse of a past good in this devilish character. When Hawthorne writes that the figure speaks with "almost sad...dispairing awfulness," the audience sees that the dark creature at one time might have not been so melancholy, "as if his once angelic nature could yet mourn for our miserable race." This thought runs parallel to some form of biblical text where Lucifer, an angel of God, is damned out of heavens to become the ruler of Hell. Hawthorne's background of a religious family probably makes him knowledgeable about these histories. The phrase brings about a sense of the dark figure's previous peaceful past--how the figure was once a good soul, virtuous with the rest of the audience souls. The passage gives a down tone when it describes the feeling of the dark figure. One might also get a sense of the imagery the Hawthorne accomplishes when describing the distraught figure. The audience can see the creature talking with his deep dark voice, and the fear of what really is true about our society. The figure remembers being of an "angelic nature," how he too had a virtuous persona. Unfortunately, as the context of the passage conveys, there is a harsh reality that virtuous world is just a myth. This is against all of Young Goodman Brown's beliefs that there is no evil if one sets their mind to it, but the figure proves B rown very wrong.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Common Types of Viruses Essay

âž ¢ Trojan Horses – A Trojan Horse are computer viruses that hide inside non-executable files such as compressed or document files and executable files and try to avoid detection by anti-virus programs such as Norton or McAfee. Trojan Horses usually appear to be useful computer files/programs such as computer game or data library. Famous Trojan Horse Programs o Back Orifice Latest Trojan Horses News o Trojan.Pgpcoder – unique new kind of threat – Install itself on vulnerable computer after user visit a certain website. âž ¢ Polymorphic Viruses A polymorphic virus is an encrypted virus that hides itself from anti-virus trough encrypted (scrambled) data and then decrypted itself to be able to spread trough the computer. The thing that makes it hard for anti-virus software to detect polymorphic viruses is that the virus generates an entirely new decryption routine each time it infects a new executable file making the virus signature different in each signature. âž ¢ Stealth Viruses A stealth virus hides the modifications made to file and boot records by modifying and forging the result of calls to function, therefore programs believe they are reading the original file and not the modified file. A good anti-virus software will probably detect stealth virus due to the fact that a stealth virus attempts to hide itself in memory when anti-virus software is launched. âž ¢ Slow Viruses A Slow virus is a difficult virus to detect due to the fact it only modifies and infects files when they are been modified and copied. Therefore the original file will not be infected by the actual copied file. A good way to protect yourself against slow viruses is by using an integrity checker or shell. âž ¢ Retro Viruses A Retro virus attacks the anti-virus software designed to delete it. The retro virus usually attempts to attack the anti-virus data files such as the virus signature store which disable the ability of the anti-virus software to detect and delete viruses. Otherwise the retro virus attempts to alter the operation of the anti-virus software. âž ¢ Multipartite Viruses A multipartite virus attempts to attack and infect both the boot sector and executable files at the same time. âž ¢ Armored Viruses An Armored virus attempts to protect itself from anti-virus software by trying to make anti-virus software believe it is located somewhere else. Therefore the Armored virus has made itself more difficult to0 trace, disassemble and understand. âž ¢ Companion Viruses A Companion virus creates a companion file for each executable file the virus infects. Therefore a companion virus may save itself as and every time a user executes scandisk.exe, the computer will load and therefore infects the system. âž ¢ Phage Viruses A Phage virus is a very destructive virus that re-writes an executable program with it’s own code, rather than just attaching itself to a file. Therefore a Page virus will usually attempt to delete or destroy every program it infects. âž ¢ Revisiting Viruses A Revisiting virus is a worm virus and attempts to copy itself within the computers memory and then copy itself to another linked computer using TCP/IP protocols. The Morris worm virus in the late 1980’s was the first major virus threat to hit the Internet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Supercomputing

By a "superintelligence" we mean an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills. This definition leaves open how the superintelligence is implemented: it could be a digital computer, an ensemble of networked computers, cultured cortical tissue or what have you. It also leaves open whether the superintelligence is conscious and has subjective experiences. Entities such as companies or the scientific community are not superintelligences according to this definition. Although they can perform a number of tasks of which no individual human is capable, they are not intellects and there are many fields in which they perform much worse than a human brain - for example, you can't have real-time conversation with "the scientific community". Superintelligence requires software as well as hardware. There are several approaches to the software problem, varying in the amount of top-down direction they require. At the one extreme we have systems like CYC which is a very large encyclopedia-like knowledge-base and inference-engine. It has been spoon-fed facts, rules of thumb and heuristics for over a decade by a team of human knowledge enterers. While systems like CYC might be good for certain practical tasks, this hardly seems like an approach that will convince AI-skeptics that superintelligence might well happen in the foreseeable future. We have to look at paradigms that require less human input, ones that make more use of bottom-up methods. Given sufficient hardware and the right sort of programming, we could make the machines learn in the same way a child does, i.e. by interacting with human ad... Free Essays on Supercomputing Free Essays on Supercomputing By a "superintelligence" we mean an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills. This definition leaves open how the superintelligence is implemented: it could be a digital computer, an ensemble of networked computers, cultured cortical tissue or what have you. It also leaves open whether the superintelligence is conscious and has subjective experiences. Entities such as companies or the scientific community are not superintelligences according to this definition. Although they can perform a number of tasks of which no individual human is capable, they are not intellects and there are many fields in which they perform much worse than a human brain - for example, you can't have real-time conversation with "the scientific community". Superintelligence requires software as well as hardware. There are several approaches to the software problem, varying in the amount of top-down direction they require. At the one extreme we have systems like CYC which is a very large encyclopedia-like knowledge-base and inference-engine. It has been spoon-fed facts, rules of thumb and heuristics for over a decade by a team of human knowledge enterers. While systems like CYC might be good for certain practical tasks, this hardly seems like an approach that will convince AI-skeptics that superintelligence might well happen in the foreseeable future. We have to look at paradigms that require less human input, ones that make more use of bottom-up methods. Given sufficient hardware and the right sort of programming, we could make the machines learn in the same way a child does, i.e. by interacting with human ad...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Online MBA at University of Massachusetts Essays

Online MBA at University of Massachusetts Essays Online MBA at University of Massachusetts Essay Online MBA at University of Massachusetts Essay In its early stages, the University of Massachusetts had only 56 students. These students set the grounds and started something that grew to become one of the best Universities in this area. Its Management Isenberg School received the most prestigious AACSB accreditation and another regional accreditation by the NEASC. The University of Massachusetts accepts students from 23 countries and from everywhere in this nation. It helps students gain more knowledge and represents one of the best management online MBA programs. This program offers only one online MBA program in Management. It’s not only the degree that matters because the knowledge and real-life techniques you will get are something you can’t find in other schools. All students who will enroll in this program must complete 37 credits in order to get a degree. The whole program includes 30 electives you can pick from. Each one of these electives carries 1-3 credit hours. The University of Massachusetts organized this Online MBA program in 3 semesters: fall, summer and spring. This school requires from students to take at least one course per fall and spring semesters. This program was structured to accept maximum 6 credits if you choose to transfer from another accredited institution. You need to have a â€Å"B† grade and the course must be within 3 years of your enrollment in order to get transferred to this university. The University of Massachusetts or its Management School takes all students in an educational journey where they will pick everything they need to face the real-world challenges. If you want to apply to this school, you need to have at least 3 years of business experience, graduate school application, GMAT without any minimum score, 2 recommendation letters, transcripts of your previous colleges, fulfilled application with application fee and resume. For international students there are some additional requirements which can be found on the official website of this university. The great thing about the University of Massachusetts is that it offers financial aid. The tuition is $750 per credit along with $45 you are obligated to pay every semester. For more information about financial aid and other helpful information you can contact the school through its official webpage. This university offers 24/7 live support for any questions or technical difficulties. The school offers CCC (Chase Career Center) that assists students to make various connections with many employers. It also has Recruiting Edge Blog that keeps students up to date with any opened recruitments and job offers.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Email Essays

Email Essays Email Essay Email Essay Good day, Madam. My superior, Mr. Faustman, would like to invite you to a lunch meeting at King Charles Hotel on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. King Charles Hotel is located at River Street. You will both be discussing your plans and any additional ideas for the new project. Also coming is Mr. Rory Webster, the assistant manager of Mr. Faustman. He will be present at the meeting to share his ideas for the new project.This memo has been issued with regards to the traveling seminar our company is conducting to be held in your venue. We would like to inform you that our guest speaker is Dr. Melanie Dobler, a well-known traveling consultant. As it is, we would like to request for the reservation of a company room large enough to accommodate around one hundred people who will be attending the seminar. We would also like to request for the necessary office equipment like chairs, tables, computer and a screen for PowerPoint presentation. We also like to include in our request the printing of photo c opies of training materials. In addition to these, we would also like to request for two breaks and a casual lunch.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MGMT670 week 6 Conference Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGMT670 week 6 Conference - Assignment Example If you have yet to generate a company icon online, social media sites are the places to do it. There are innumerable principal benefits to carrying out marketing and promotional practices on global products. Foremost, the most significant merit is attached to brand recognition. Marketing and promotion of a global product assists in imprinting the product’s brand in the minds of the potential customers (Zimmerman & Blythe, 2005). Accordingly, the customers tend to seek a pre-identified brand rather than the product brand seeking for its users. In addition, once a brand has expanded its ground and founded its customer base, promotion enables it to keep hold of the potential customers. Another merit linked to promotion is the identification of potential customers rather than forcing a product on unenthusiastic purchasers (Marquardt, 2012). Furthermore, direct marketing enables companies to target specific customers by personalizing the meaning of the advert to have the best possible effect. The downside is that such promotions can be expensive. Companies have to spend on adverts as well as employing sales and marketing professionals (Stonehouse & Purdie, 2004). If a firm fails to conduct a proper market research then it might end up making unnecessary advertisement and marketing expenses. Some companies waste efforts in targeting unwilling customers using unsuitable media. Small businesses owners must, therefore, weigh the merits of conducting such marketing practices against the respective costs incurred. As well as the financial expenses, promotion requires sacrifice of time. The sales experts are expected to research on the most proper marketing approaches design the adverts and deal with customer reactions to the products. An example of how to market global products and services is by use of funny video clips. YouTube and other social network videos could be used to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Caffeine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Caffeine - Research Paper Example Later this turned into the creation of a form of tea by steeping these items in boiling water. The Chinese emperor Shennong, according to Chinese legend, reigned in around 3000 BCE and found out that when leaves fell into boiling water a â€Å"fragrant and restorative drink resulted†(Yu, 35) leading historians to believe that this also aided in the discovery of tea/caffeine use for regular usage. In 900 BCE, â€Å"The Greek historian Homer mentions a bitter drink that is capable of warding off sleep. This was probably strong brewed tea.† (Unknown, 14) Coffee was discovered later on in the 9th century by a goat herder who observed his goats eating berries from a tree that made them more alert and awake. (Yu, 54) At this time, coffee beans were already being used and ground into fat in North America. This substance became a staple for religious practices due to the fact that coffee helped them stay awake longer. As mankind became more and more advanced and developed, soci ety began to see the use of caffeine in more daily use. A German scientist named Friedlieb Runge first synthesized caffeine in the lab. Since then, scientists and pharmacologists have learned how to create and extract the chemical and properties of caffeine from the coca bean and put it into commercial and medicinal use. In today’s society, caffeine is most commonly seen in the use of coffee, energy drinks, candy, etc. Unknown to society is that caffeine is one of the most abused substances across the world and has properties in it’s mechanism of action that can create possible problems for both short term and long term use due to the pharmacokinetics of caffeine and it’s mechanism of action. Caffeine is a stimulant which when it interacts with certain receptors in the body. Specifically, caffeine impacts systems such as the central nervous system and other physiological systems in the body. The typical route of administration is oral and is usually found in consumer food products, but has also been isolated in pill form as well. The chemical nature of caffeine is that it is lipid soluble. Because of this property, caffeine is able to bypass the blood brain barrier and have a direct effect upon the neural synapses in the brain. Primarily, caffeine is an antagonist on the adenosine receptors in the brain. This means that caffeine physically binds to the receptors in the brain causing a release of adenosine into the synapses. This can cause the secretion of norepinephrine and dopamine to occur. Norepinephrine is a stimulating neurotransmitter that is most commonly associated with the â€Å"fight or flight† aspect of the sympathetic nervous system. Dopamine is a pleas ure and rewarding chemical that is regulated by many different reward pathways, but the most common one consists of the dopamine being secreted in the ventral tegmental area and it proceeding on a pathway to the prefrontal cortex through the nucleus accumbens. The rewarding effect is one of the ways in which an individual becomes addicted to the drug. Physiologically, a person can experience the associated â€Å"crash† once the drug is no longer in the system since caffeine has a half-life of approximately four hours. In order to achieve the same effect, the user must continue to use more and more of whatever caffeine source they are

Globalization debate Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Globalization debate - Assignment Example Some of the major factors that have necessitated the globalization process include advances in telecommunication and transportation infrastructure, the emergence and prosperity of the internet and telegraph technology, etc. These factors have played an essential role in the process of generating independence in the form of cultural and economic activities. The globalization process continues to influence business practices in various ways. Some of them include production, supply chain management, and marketing. In addition, it also defines the process of management of employees in businesses across industries. The process of globalization describes different dynamic phenomena that share similarities in various elements. First, the process cuts across national boundaries into other regions found far and beyond. Secondly, it causes increased integration and interdependence in human societies across the world. The globalization process often results in increased flows in the factors of production, most of which include labor and capital, products in the form of services and goods,and technology in national economies (Bernard 2003, 68). Globalization plays an essential role in influencing employment practices and workers in different countries. This paper examines the concept of globalization, and influences employees and employee management systems in organizations in both the developed and developing countries. One of the chief channels by which globalization affect developing countries is the existing labor market. It is important to realize that competition in the provision of goods and services, exchange rates, direct investments, and different forms of capital movements play an important role in labor earnings and employment in developing countries. In the processing of becoming competitive, developing countries break their trade

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Anthropologists Understanding of Human Health Essay

Anthropologists Understanding of Human Health - Essay Example However, the concern of medical anthropologists is to understand how communities understood the concept of health. Medical anthropologists have explored various ways, which different cultures used to understand the concept of disease and health. First is ecological or epidemiological view. Its concern posits the interaction between natural environment and culture to create pattern of diseases and health (Parker and Harper, 2005:123). Second is the critical (applied) medical anthropology view that focuses on how politics and economics affected human health. Third is interpretive view, which concerns with how culture related some symbolic meaning to understand and describe a disease. Epidemiological Perspective Epidemiology concern is to understand how factors within human population would affect human health. The concern of epidemiologists is to investigate cultural factors that contributed to diseases. These cultural factors include eating habit, sexual activity, medical practices, w ork, social interaction and geographical location (Bhasin). The paradox of this anthropological approach is that it cannot be able to identify the causing factors of these illnesses. However, traditionalists advised their people on what practices were best suitable in relation to health or disease risk. Epidemiologists’ research across cultures indicated that illnesses differ (Sharma and Gautam, 2006:143). For instance, blood pressure research conducted across cultures has indicated that pressure differs. The outcome of the study suggests differences across cultures might be the likable cause. The assumption made through medical ecology is that universal approach is applicable in categorising diseases. Measuring of diseases can take geographical dimension, where changes in pattern of settlement could project the anticipated disease or health outcome. For instance, medical anthropologists believe that measuring and mapping of haemoglobin is possible in relation to a given geog raphical region (McElroy, 2002:9). The study of disease in such area would focus on human physiology in relation to the environment. For instance, a disease such as malaria occurs in a given geographical area. The understanding of this condition is very important when it comes to diagnosing of the disease. It is not surprising that the colonial masters that arrived in Africa faced the challenge of Malaria. Ethno medicine The focus of ethno medicine is to explore practices and health beliefs, social roles, and cultural values. The perspective originally focused on the primitive system of life in relation to folk medicine. Today ethno medicine means health maintenance in the society (Elmer, 2004:27). Understanding the concept of ethno medicine, the beliefs, values, and knowledge of specialists in various communities is important. Since ethno medicine encompasses a number of factors, it gives detailed information on how communities interpreted illnesses and the techniques applied in me eting the effects of the illnesses. Traditional healers in Indian culture practice the activities alongside biomedicine that a patient in India would seek (Williams, 2006:215). The role played by the specialists in the traditional times has not faded, as one would think. Some communities demonstrate inclination to traditional methods as much as they would seek biomedicine. Interpretive Perspective Cultures a cross the globe associate different meaning to issues that

McDonald's strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

McDonald's strategy - Assignment Example ged across the globe because of the economic recession of 2010, McDonald’s adopted a combination of the cost focus and differentiation strategies to boost sales. This campaign comprised of initiating cost cutting measures in business operations, maintaining the affordable of menu offerings and improving the menu to address changing customer preferences. According to Mourdoukoutas (2013), McDonald’s has previously demonstrated similar patterns of adopting a specific strategic direction in the past starting from the 1960s when the company identified the customer’s demand of having access to a menu which offered both affordability and convenience. Consequently, the organization realized the onset of globalization as a fundamental trend that emerged in the decade of 70s and 80s thereby, choosing to take the McDonald’s brand worldwide because of favorable conditions. The company’s strategic decision-making in the past therefore, reflects that the organization carefully tailors its strategy around its most valuable element – the customers. Henceforth, the organization’s strategies have surfaced as winners when other companies have failed to make a mark or have succumbed to unfavorable economic conditions. Moreover, the company also recognizes the implications of competition in a highly volatile i ndustry which is also an important consideration behind the success which it has been able to achieve and sustain. Mourdoukoutas, P. (2013). Starbuck’s and McDonald’s Winning Strategy. Forbes. Available online at [2nd July,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anthropologists Understanding of Human Health Essay

Anthropologists Understanding of Human Health - Essay Example However, the concern of medical anthropologists is to understand how communities understood the concept of health. Medical anthropologists have explored various ways, which different cultures used to understand the concept of disease and health. First is ecological or epidemiological view. Its concern posits the interaction between natural environment and culture to create pattern of diseases and health (Parker and Harper, 2005:123). Second is the critical (applied) medical anthropology view that focuses on how politics and economics affected human health. Third is interpretive view, which concerns with how culture related some symbolic meaning to understand and describe a disease. Epidemiological Perspective Epidemiology concern is to understand how factors within human population would affect human health. The concern of epidemiologists is to investigate cultural factors that contributed to diseases. These cultural factors include eating habit, sexual activity, medical practices, w ork, social interaction and geographical location (Bhasin). The paradox of this anthropological approach is that it cannot be able to identify the causing factors of these illnesses. However, traditionalists advised their people on what practices were best suitable in relation to health or disease risk. Epidemiologists’ research across cultures indicated that illnesses differ (Sharma and Gautam, 2006:143). For instance, blood pressure research conducted across cultures has indicated that pressure differs. The outcome of the study suggests differences across cultures might be the likable cause. The assumption made through medical ecology is that universal approach is applicable in categorising diseases. Measuring of diseases can take geographical dimension, where changes in pattern of settlement could project the anticipated disease or health outcome. For instance, medical anthropologists believe that measuring and mapping of haemoglobin is possible in relation to a given geog raphical region (McElroy, 2002:9). The study of disease in such area would focus on human physiology in relation to the environment. For instance, a disease such as malaria occurs in a given geographical area. The understanding of this condition is very important when it comes to diagnosing of the disease. It is not surprising that the colonial masters that arrived in Africa faced the challenge of Malaria. Ethno medicine The focus of ethno medicine is to explore practices and health beliefs, social roles, and cultural values. The perspective originally focused on the primitive system of life in relation to folk medicine. Today ethno medicine means health maintenance in the society (Elmer, 2004:27). Understanding the concept of ethno medicine, the beliefs, values, and knowledge of specialists in various communities is important. Since ethno medicine encompasses a number of factors, it gives detailed information on how communities interpreted illnesses and the techniques applied in me eting the effects of the illnesses. Traditional healers in Indian culture practice the activities alongside biomedicine that a patient in India would seek (Williams, 2006:215). The role played by the specialists in the traditional times has not faded, as one would think. Some communities demonstrate inclination to traditional methods as much as they would seek biomedicine. Interpretive Perspective Cultures a cross the globe associate different meaning to issues that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

650 questions 3 and 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

650 questions 3 and 4 - Assignment Example This method is the best since it considers the time value of money, incorporates all the future cash flows, and has clear criteria of how to decide whether to invest in the project. (Drake & Fabozzi, 2002) Besides, the rate used in discounting is the cost of capital which can be determined with certainty rather than being assumed. Drake & Fabozzi (2002) further underscores that in as much as the internal rate of return (IRR) is a good way of making an investment decision; it is a bit complex and sometimes results into conflicting results. IRR measures the expected rate of the investments that is made by an investor. In instances that the cash flows are both negative and positive, IRR has led to the determination of more than one rate of return thus making it difficult for an investor to make informed and profitable decisions. It should however be noted that in as much as the modified internal rate of return (MIRR) can be used where IRR is improper, MIRR is more complex and cannot be easily understood by those without financial knowledge. NPV thus remains a simple method of making investment appraisal that will certainly help maximize shareholders returns. To ensure that the limited resources are placed in the most profitable investments, the need for capital budgeting cannot be overemphasized. The use of the various investment appraisal methods have been exploited to help make capital budgeting decisions. Most importantly, NPV approach has been lauded as the best method of helping make capital decisions. Nonetheless, NPV alone is not sufficient since other important decisions affecting projects profitability cannot be easily determined by the use of this approach. Sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulations have further been used to analyze the returns arising from investment portfolios. When using sensitivity analysis in making capital decisions, investors get to determine the extent to which a change in a specific cost

Holden Caulfield Is an Island Essay Example for Free

Holden Caulfield Is an Island Essay John Donne’s quote, ‘No man is an island’ connects quite directly to Holden Caulfield in ‘The Catcher in the Rye. ’ Holden’s character is very relative to themes such as isolation, loneliness and non-conformity. Holden has a very distinct character; he has many features, which would describe him as quite a lonely, cynical young man. It is evident that a past of his has had such an effect on him that the adolescence he has become quite a rocky journey for him; the death of his brother Allie, and the suicide of one of his schoolmates included. How is Holden Caulfield an island? Well, the quote itself – ‘No man is an island’ – can be interpreted that no man will thrive in isolation, such as an island. Holden has isolated himself from the conforming ways of society. This explains why he finds it so hard to be close to people, and why people find it so hard to get close to him; because he is so different. Holden’s character can be described as one that is flying off the rails. Some events throughout the novel regarding alcohol and drugs, relationships and Holden’s whereabouts show that he is simply trying to be something he isn’t. Holden Caulfield is an island, throughout the novel, a word to describe him best would be ‘alone. ’ Those who attempt to help him, guide him and be there for him, such as Spencer and Mr. Antolini, generally fail as Holden makes a quick escape from their guiding hands. In some ways, Holden can be seen as a hero. It is much harder to go against the grain alone, than to follow along in the footsteps of others. Holden can be understood as a leader, rather than a follower. Although his purpose is not quite evident, his journey is still worth so much. Holden’s personality includes features, which define him as a very judgmental person. He often uses the term ‘phoney’ to describe people who aren’t true to themselves and who according to him, squeezing into a certain cut out. Holden is very set in his ways, and will generally not take on the opinion of anyone else, and will stick to his own very closely. An example of Holden preferring to be alone is when he informs his sister that he will be leaving home. He organizes a meeting with her before he leaves. She arrives with her belongings and asks to go with him. It is not that Holden loses his temper, and refuses to take her along. After Holden leaves Pencey Prep at the beginning of the novel, he makes the decision to find his way around Manhattan alone, with out telling his parents; for a few days before he is due back home. To most sixteen year old teenagers, to make this decision would be a big move, but to Holden, a stunt like this doesn’t concern him. This just shows how far he goes to prove himself to be an individual, who can take care of himself, Holden feels he doesn’t need anyone but himself, as he is left alone by the end of the story. Throughout the novel, is it clear that the story is about Holden’s journey, and Holden Caulfield being an island. The events and occurrences that happen to Holden along the way prove this statement to be true. Holden has a very strong character, that of which he remains tough; he does his own thing, in his own way; without the need for approval from anyone. Holden Caulfield has isolated himself from the conforming ways of society. Therefore, Holden Caulfield is an Island.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Online Web Application For Selling Computer Products

Online Web Application For Selling Computer Products This project report represents the idea of the Online Shopping Website application for Computer products. In this project we are having primary goal of to increase the sale of the Computer product in the market, and to reduce the manual work and increasing the technical support for sellers and buyers to sale or buy product online. The second goal of this site is to maintain the data of buyers, sellers and product. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT: In the current system all transaction are doing in manual that is very time consuming and it is very difficult for maintenance. They have to maintain all data in books and register that is very difficult to finding any data in those lots of registers and books so it is very time consuming and wasting of money. So to overcoming all these problems we can use Online Shopping for Computer product. The online shopping is the part of internet to do online purchasing and selling product with electronic security, now day this is called as E-commerce. Customer can directly purchase the product online from his/her home through internet. Customer can see many products and details about the products which are not possible in current system. Customer can pay online through credit card there is no need to keep big cash in pocket and physically going to the shop. 1.3 PROJECT AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The major of website for Online Shopping is sale and purchase computer products and services through the internet. This transaction does with the electronic data exchange over the internet. Customer has to give credit card details for purchase product with secure transmission of data exchange over the internet. The Online Shopping website has many objectives some of them as follow: It gives information about various products of different categories. Customers purchase the products online with the help of internet. Customer will login on website for shopping. Customers purchase the product with checking the price of product and can compare the same product with different categories product. Customer will pay online payment so security is more important so for that the secure transmission layer is used. After purchasing product customer can have any problem with product so he can give the details about the problem and get solution for that as per require time. Data security is more important because customers personal details are stored in the database so the database is access by only authorize person or admin. I strongly conclude that implementing this type of application is very useful for online users and sellers of product or owner of the site. 1.4 PROPOSED METHODOLOGIES: In this project we follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies use to develop website. I have used Waterfall Model to develop this website. The main steps in this methodology are Requirement, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. The waterfall model is also called as linear sequential model, in this model all tasks are completed one by one. To use this model the major advantage is very simple and all project development process takes place as per the user requirement. Figure: Waterfall Model 1.5 SCOPE: This website is basically for server and deployed on the server site. The Online Shopping website is basically useful to company for selling computer products worldwide. This website will be useful for the following areas: Useful for online selling products for companies. Use anywhere in the world in any time. All information about items is stored in system. Company stores all items details, update items, price, discount etc. Customer can place online order from any place via internet. The System reduces most manual work and maintains all information and stores it for future references. This system will be applicable for company as well as wholesale shops, or any other Organization who wants to sell their products in international markets. This system will provide more data storage facility. This system will provide easy maintenance for future references. 2. RESEARCH: 2.1 GENERAL BACKGROUND TO THE SUBJECT: Java technology is the most popular and robust technique to develop any kind of projects such as window application, web application etc. J2EE is the java enterprise edition to the develop web application. To developing this website I have used JSP (java server page), Servlet and Java beans which are part of J2EE technology. These technologies basically used to give request and take response on server side. Model view controller (MVC) architecture: Figure: MVC architecture Model: The model is related with classes which represent the application data, this model responsible for know what the data is, how to create, delete, retrieve and store the data. View: It is basically used to show the data and notices in user interface which user wants to change it. Controller: These classes basically provide logic of the application, which is responsible for coordination the data in the model and the view. About the data base: The MySQL is one of the popular database for developing server side application or web application, it has more reliability, performance and simple to use. The MySQL database is open source, so its saving time and money and it can run on most platforms. It is specifically use to store large amount of data or records, So Online Shopping website use MySQL database to maintaining the data about the products, customers, sales, purchase etc. 2.2 STUDIES ON SPECIFIC ISSUES This system is purely web based client server architecture Take time to find the troubles of the online users Server MIS configuration Session management Error handling Deployment of the application in Apache Tomcat. MySQL database installation and versions. Setting the path and class path in java. 2.3 TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Software Database : MySQL 5.0. Server : Apache Tomcat 4.1 Front End : JSP/Servlets, J2SDK 1.6, HTML, DHTML, Java Script. Editor : Edit plus, Jcreator. Hardware Processor : Intel P-IV based system Processor Speed : 2.0. GHz RAM : 256 MB to 512 MB Hard Disk : 40GB to 80GB Key Board : 104 keys 2.4 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING WORK: Proposed system (Developing system) and advantages: The system will reduce manual work which provides easy access and easy working environments. This system will give easy GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) for registration and fill different forms information. This system also gives facility to for customers to register their feedback regarding product to company online and get solution for that. From Companys ease system Admin can get easily details, add new items, update item or etc. The system will give robust efficient in all respect having a strong security features. Minimal and effective security notifications or messages. 3. DESIGN/STRUCTURAL FORMATION: Search ItemUML Diagram Add Item to Shopping Cart Checkout Cart System User Confirmation All Figure 2: Sample UML diagram In the above diagram the user search the products and add to shopping cart and after adding all products which want to buy then he can the checkout the cart and the system checks the users login, credit card and all information for further process and gives confirmation for dealing. (This diagram is sample one, will develop the database for better view). 4. DATA ACQUISITION: Distributed database and GUI application Application deployed in client server architecture. Service Authentication. Data capture. 5. TESTING AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Planning to do unit testing, Integration testing and validation tests. 6. OVERALL EVALUATION: Online Shopping website run on any environment, this is useful for any computer parts manufacturing company to sale its products online. This application on the internet, user will use this application easily at anywhere in the world. The feasibility study of the project is follows: Economic feasibility: Online Shopping website is maintaining large amount of historical data with using minimum cost and time. With the help of internet the user or seller can ads or sale his products online all over the world without investing any cost. And the website having graphical user interfaces so no need to training for user or employee. 7. PROJECT APPROCH AND PLAN: In this phase or approach after the collecting the requirement from client we can analyze the customer requirements, then we can create the planning and decide the objectives of the project and divides the projects development into different phases. These phases divided into task and subtask and it will be complete within given time period. 8. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In this project we are covering how helpful this Online Shopping website to the computer manufacturing company for selling products online, and online purchasing product to the customers. This application manages the all historical data about the products, customers, sellers to the future reference as insert, update, and retrieve the data. It is basically for who dont have time to go shopping at shop they can buy products easily via internet from home or office.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gummo: A Review :: essays research papers

Gummo: A Review   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pieces of a puzzle slowly fitting together, to reveal a picture. This is an accurate description of how the film, Gummo by Harmony Korine pans out. Through a series of quite disturbing yet visually stimulating vignettes, Korine somehow relays a tragic story. Essentially, the film is a collection of random events that are assimilated into a larger scheme of things. For the most part, the film emphasizes on showing us things that we know are very real and actually happen, but are terribly hard for the average person to confront.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tone is unveiled from the very beginning, while a dim and dark outlook are forecast. As it is set in the dilapidated, small town of Xenia, Ohio, the severity of the living conditions there is visible from start to finish. A few of the senseless, haphazard events that are captured, consist of - countless, brutal feline slayings, teens euthanizing the helpless, bed-ridden elderly, and drunken, redneck furniture wrestling. Somehow, in a twisted pattern, these scenes converge to depict the pure horror of living in this place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In respect to the cast of this film, Chloe Sevigny is reasonably the only name that people are likely to recognize. There are a handful of other obscure actors as well as some non-actors that appear in the film, for various reasons. In the process of being introduced to each person through certain circumstances, it is difficult to determine which ones are the actors and which are not. From some of the sequences presented, it seems tough to draw the line between harsh reality and exploitation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contrary to the town that this film takes place in (Xenia, Ohio), it was shot on location in Nashville, Tennesee. Nashville provides an appropriate backdrop for the setting that was trying to be portrayed. Korine shoots the film with raw textures, giving it a real, almost too real deliverance. The camera work at times is almost hard to watch. Throughout the film - the images have a natural, gritty appearance.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Humorous Wedding Toasts to the Newlyweds :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Toasts to the Newlyweds Learning to Love To the newlyweds, When you learn to love hell, you will be in heaven! Forsake Not Forsake not an old wife, for the new is not comparable to her. A new wife is as new wine: when she is old, thou shalt drink her with pleasure. A Clean Shirt Here’s that you may always have A clean shirt A clean conscience And a dollar in our pocket. Health and Prosperity Here’s to health and prosperity, To you and all your posterity. And them that doesn’t drink with sincerity, That they may be damned for all eternity! Diplomacy Getting married is like getting a masters degree in diplomacy. In just two short years you will develop the ability to tell your husband to go to hell, So that he will look forward to making the trip. Facing Problems Sooner or later, in every marriage, you will encounter problems: When this time comes, you must take the bull

Friday, October 11, 2019

In Milton’s paradise lost Essay

Aristotle’s tragic hero has certain characteristics which can be applied to Oedipus the King and Milton’s Satan. Aristotle states that a tragic hero can be classified as a person that falls from the state of being happy to one of misery because of his own mistake. This can be seen in both Oedipus and Satan, since they are miserable as a result of their own doing. According to Aristotle, the tragic hero must fall through his or her own error, or hamartia. This term is also interpreted as â€Å"tragic flaw†, usually applied to overwhelming pride, or hubris, which causes fatal error. Satan and Oedipus show that they have hubris and this is probably one of the main contributing factors for their fall. Although, the main characteristic of the tragic hero, as stated by Aristotle, is their ability to make the reader or audience to empathize with them, he wants there to be a sense of fear and mistrust because of their devious nature. In Milton’s Paradise Lost, Satan, one of the main characters in the story, exhibits all the qualities of a tragic hero. He has fallen, literally and figuratively, from grace. Once one of God’s more powerful angels in heaven, Satan questions God’s power and forms an alliance to overthrow Him. Satan’s army fights diligently only to have God â€Å"†¦ cast him out from Heaven, With all his host of rebel angels†¦ † (Paradise Lost, Book1, Line 37). Book One of Paradise Lost describes Satan being cast out of Heaven and down to Hell. This is consistent with Aristotle’s criteria for the tragic hero, â€Å"†¦ suffering a change in fortune from happiness to misery because of a mistaken act†¦ † Satan also possesses hubris; pride or overwhelming self-confidence. â€Å"Here we may reign secure, and in my choice; To reign is to worth ambition, though in Hell; Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. † (line 261) Here, Satan has so much pride that he would rather rule in Hell than serve God in Heaven. This shows that Satan possesses hubris, which is, as described by Aristotle, â€Å"†¦ pride or overwhelming self-confidence†. Satan’s character as a tragic hero emerges further in later books. Book Four of Paradise Lost is a good example. It begins with Satan’s only soliloquy of the epic. As he awakes in Hell, he stares up at the sun and begins to speak; â€Å"Oh Sun! to tell thee how I hate thy beams, That bring to my remembrance from what state I fell, how glorious once above thy sphere; Till pride and worse ambition threw me down† (Book IV, line 37-40) As he sees the sun, he remembers how high he was in heaven until his pride and ambition brought him down. This is a very important quote as it satisfies the criteria for Aristotle’s description of a tragic hero. It highlights the character â€Å"suffering a change in fortune†¦ because of a mistaken act†¦ † Also, hubris is once again revealed as Satan states that his pride and ambition threw him down. This example is even more profound because it comes directly from the character. Milton is also successful in portraying this super-human character as one with humanistic qualities. This allows the reader to relate to the character, which satisfies yet another criteria for Aristotle’s tragic hero, â€Å"†¦ we recognize similar possibilities of error in our less and fallible selves. † Satan’s human qualities are magnified in his soliloquy as he even contemplates begging for forgiveness. â€Å"Is there no place left for repentance, none for pardon left? † (Book IV, Line 79-80) As Satan contemplates repentance, he decides against it, as he is afraid of the shame that he might draw from his followers, â€Å"My dread of shame Among the Spirits beneath,Whom I seduced with other promises Boasting I could subdue The Omnipotent†. (Line 83-86) Since he has boasted that he can defeat God, Satan now shows fear and doubt as he realises that he really cannot fulfill his promises. Milton reveals a different side to Satan. He depicts a character that shows remorse and shame, and, someone who fears disgrace. The common person can identify with these human characteristics; this allows the reader to evoke some amount of sympathy for Satan as they now see him in a helpless situation; fighting a losing battle for fear of disgracing his followers. This emphasizes Aristotle’s description of recognising â€Å"†¦ similar possibilities of error in our less and fallible selves. † In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the tragic hero and fits Aristotle’s description almost exactly. Aristotle states that a character should reveal goodness in terms of moral judgment and choices that he makes. Oedipus has compassion for his subjects and seeks the truth to end their suffering, and, continuously strives to be a saviour to the people. When the priests of Thebes approach Oedipus, who is pleading on the behalf of his people who are suffering from famine and death, he agrees. He says that he will do what he can to solve the situation, â€Å"bring everything to light†. Although Oedipus does have some admirable qualities, being the tragic hero, he too possesses hubris. Oedipus’s tragic flaw is that he is stubborn, impulsive, and pretentious. When Oedipus does a self evaluation his talents, beauty, and his own achievements blind him. These traits are similar to Satan who also has hubris, a flaw that leads to his defeat. Another reason for Oedipus’ brutal demise is his lack of judgment and impulsive actions. These attributes are humanistic qualities that the reader can relate to, yet still question. When he leaves Corinth, he meets an entourage on the way to Thebes. There, the ‘leader’ of the horse-drawn carriage orders him ‘out of the way’. Oedipus’ impulsiveness drives him to kill everyone in the entourage; this leads to him being crowned King, where he ultimately suffers. It can be argued that both Oedipus and Satan are tragic heroes according to Aristotle’s definition. However, a question arises; were Oedipus and Satan acting on their own free will or were they destined to do so. According to Christian theology, it is said that God foresees everything that will happen in life. This leads many to speculate that Satan suffers, not because he chooses to, but because he is chosen to. This is another reason why the reader can empathize with Satan because God knows of his betrayal. The same can be said for Oedipus, who has no free will; it is under the control of the Gods. When he is born, Apollo’s oracle predicts that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. This foretelling leads Oedipus’ parents to abandon him on the mountain-side and leave him to die. However, fate intervenes and Oedipus soon finds himself adopted by the King and Queen of Corinth. When he finds out that the King and Queen are not his natural parents, Oedipus leaves Corinth, solves the Sphinx’s riddle, and becomes the successor of King Laius as the King of Thebes. When the gods could ‘no longer brok in silence the affront of Oedipus’s unwitting sins’, they punish the city by sending plague and famine upon the city. When approached by the priests, Oedipus could only promise them his help, which starts the chain of events, eventually leading him to discover his sins and his subsequent downfall. When Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx, he could not have known that he would end up marrying his own mother. When Oedipus meets King Laius, he is unaware as to who killed his father. Eventually, he sets out to find the truth, as the oracle prophesizes. He does the best he could as a ruler, son and husband but is still played out in the end. Therefore, Oedipus is seen as a tragic hero and is comparable to Satan who also has no freewill. The fate or God knew that the actions were going to occur and had the power to stop it. Satan and Oedipus are tragic heroes according to Aristotle. They have characteristics that make them suite their role as a tragic hero. Aristotle said that tragic heroes should suffer a fall of fortune through a mistake of their own. Both Satan and Oedipus suffer this fate. Aristotle also states that a tragic hero will is led by hamartia which is hubris. â€Å"Till pride and worse ambition threw me down† (Milton) this line was spoken by Satan who openly admits that he is proud and ambitious. â€Å"Twit me with that wherein my greatness lies† Milton, John. Paradise Lost Sophocles. Oedipus The King http://www. planetpapers. com/Assets/3330. php.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Reflection Paper on Gintong Pamana

The evidences that will prove that Filipinos have a rich culture in pre-colonial period are the gold Jewelries and their technology. Firstly, Gold is a precious metal that surpasses all ores in the world. It is the most expensive to the point people search for it, fight for it, and even kill for it. But that wasn't the case in pre-colonial period. All classes?the nobles, freemen and the two types of slaves (lapping Mahayana and lapping salesgirl)?wore gold Jewelries.There are many uses of gold back then, but hey were Just an ornament on their bodies, utensils, decorations, orifice ornaments for the deceased when they laid to rest, and more. Lastly, their manual technology on how they molded the gold. In the video, seeing the belts, figurines and the stunning over the shoulder â€Å"halter† weighing four kilos of pure gold made me gasp and deeply think. â€Å"Just how on earth they made those ornaments? † I thought. They made it manually and with the only help of a cruci ble to melt the gold and so they were able to produce works that are superior.The film definitely challenged my assumptions. I assumed that the Filipinos have poor culture because they don't have the modern technology but I was completely wrong. The folks who inhabited the islands nearly a millennium ago were already so advanced In their craftsmanship which was also true at different points of our history in the beautiful textiles, baskets, embroideries, etc. Watching the video made me realize that I do not such grand material heritage In my house but I do have the heritage of knowledge and values.I already gained It at the time I had my consciousness. I believe that I can preserve them by passing It down to future generations. At least for me, knowledge and values are the most Important heritage because It teaches you moral lessons and It can lead you too better life. We Filipinos are always searching for our Identity. People are complaining that we are not pure or natives, uncivil ized and messiest but at the time when we see the Surreal treasures, we realize that Is already the core, which Is who we are.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Personal Development Plan Masters in Business Administration Studies Essay

Personal Development Plan Masters in Business Administration Studies - Essay Example I am a social entrepreneur. I own and run a Saudi Corporate Social Responsibility firm which has branches in Riyadh and London. My business focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility in the corporate sector. We achieve our objectives in conjunction with public sector organizations and global humanitarian organizations like the United Nations. We also gain support from the Saudi government and have a vision of maintaining sustainable development in Saudi Arabia in relation to social and environmental matters. I play a top-level management role in the organization, Mobarat CSR. Our core vision is to promote a sustainable society by ensuring that corporate bodies in Saudi Arabia give back to the society as and when they earn. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Sociology. I have ten years of post-graduation work experience. I commenced with Social Work and then proceeded to work for a company involved in Cultural and Rural Development. I also have experience in Tourism and other social related jobs. This set the stage for my career as a social entrepreneur. To attain the ability and understanding to appreciate the components of business [finance, marketing, human resources amongst others] and gain in-depth knowledge of how they interact with the larger society and the natural environment. In attaining my personal goals in this course I hope to learn more about Corporate Strategy. Johnson, Scholes & Whittington (2005) identify three main components of the corporate strategy. They state that: Therefore my primary orientation is to get an intimate knowledge corporate strategy, its core components and the dynamics of how different corporate strategies work together in a given nation or economy. Therefore, there are some important elements of the MBA that I will emphasize my strengths on.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Crime Problem from an Historical Perspective Essay

Crime Problem from an Historical Perspective - Essay Example Involvement of American society to the functioning of the justice system plays a vital role against crimes in a democratic environment. The societal behavior against crimes in United States is strong which deliberately reacts on justice system and present Hate Crime Laws in 1990 by George H.W. Bush (Terril, 2009). These laws protect civil society in which Attorney General is required to collect data on crimes which are committed because of the victim’s religion, race, disability or ethnicity. In Russia, after protests from the society against crimes raised, the government took serious actions and made a Federal Security Service (FSB) which now investigates crimes of national and international scope and provides security to the civil society. In 1996, under Russian Federal jurisdictio system criminal justice system started which solve many problems of the society. Criminal act is an act or possession under the laws of government which poses a violation of laws. The serial rapist is a crime without weapon, using physical force to do this crime and this unique criminal behavior must be controlled (Terril,

Monday, October 7, 2019

The First Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The First Principles - Essay Example By stating different people in trade, I. e butcher, brewer, and baker, smith was expressing principles of division of labor and specialization in trade. All the mentioned personnel’s play a role in production that ends up satisfying the consumers’ needs of their products. Smith was sensitive of the mutual gains expected by both the producer and the consumer. He expresses the gains obtained by both parties when he considered that the produces has own interest in the trade that lead them to produce their products regardless of who will purchase their goods. This in return helps in solving the consumers’ needs of supply. The consumer on the other hand has little regard to whom produced the product, to them availability of supplies take centre of interest. Thus, both the producer and the consumer benefit in the end. The producer is at will to produce their products based on their area of interest. This is influenced by the advantages one gets from trade rather than on what the other person does. The producer thus enjoys freedom of trade even in the congested market since they do not produce out of compassion but out of gains obtained from

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 212

Summary - Essay Example As there was progression in time, the farmers thought they were to have a special day away from the working days where they could be able to praise God and prayer take place (Phillips, 98). In the contract and agreement with God, there was need of a special place where there would be honoring the contract and special people that would be needed to administer and carry out the contract. This led to development of religion with coming up with a Sabbath day, a priest and churches. There is also a link that can be given between cave art and religion. In the Paleolithic cave art there is evidence of religion. There was belief by the ancestors that the spirit world existed deep in the dark foreboding caves. Through the caves, the ancestors believed that the supernatural world could be contacted in the caves or these were the places where they could leave the signs that were needed by the spirits (Phillips, 99). According to Jean Clottes, those that lived in the development of art period believed that there was supernatural powers that lined inside the caves and the only way of attempting to contact the spirits was giving respect and contacting the powers in the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Social and Economic Concerns in Public Health Essay

Social and Economic Concerns in Public Health - Essay Example Presently, the analysis of public health brings into play social and economic concerns, which were previously overlooked. Despite the expanded focus of this discipline, it has however not shifted its focus, which is the well-being of the community. Public health integrates science and art to establish methodical ways of ensuring the populations is healthy. The systematic ways may be reactive or proactive depending on the health risk or predicament that is being addressed. Modern public health undertakings entail education, which provides a platform upon which the masses and respective communities may be enlightened on how to live in a healthy way. Over the last century, public health has evolved and developed massively. One of the key milestones achieved is the increase in life expectancy. The increase in life expectancy is an indication of the improvement in the public health’s ability to address ailments, which often causes death. Some the key statistics that reflect the pro gressed realized include infant mortality, which denotes the death of children at birth or in their early years (Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals 5). Over the last one hundred years, public health has also dealt blows to cancerous ailments such as lung cancer, which caused numerous deaths in the 1960s and 1970s. However, when delving into the milestone achieved, it is vital to look at food safety and vaccination, which are proactive ways of enhancing health in communities. Vaccination has helped deal with ailments such as polio on a global scale. Enhanced food safety has also resulted in reduced cases of ailments such as food poisoning, typhoid, and the spread of harmful pathogens that may trigger other ailments. The emergent of a global aspect in public health has necessitated opening up paradigms through which scholars study public health.  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Hemingway in Nature Essay Example for Free

Hemingway in Nature Essay The great respect Ernest Hemingway has for nature is manifested as an important character in his works. Although Hemingway cut down his prose to the minimum necessary to convey the action of his characters, he carefully advanced the theme of nature. Hemingway describes trees, leaves and needles, water, rain and bodies of water, rocks, wind and breezes and animals as part of the theme of nature. In so deliberately including the nature theme in his work, Hemingway elevates it as more than a part of the setting of the action to a point that nature plays a role or a character in the action. Hemingway expresses important concepts and ideas in his writing in a deliberate manner. Within the structure of his sentences and paragraphs, he shapes the concept he is emphasizing by repeating it and using description to highlight it: He lay on the brown, pine-needled floor of the forest, his chin on his folded arms, and high overhead the wind blew in the tops of the pine trees. (Hemingway 1)  Here, the concept of a pine tree is emphasized through its placement both at the beginning and the end of a single, short sentence and the fruit of the tree, the needles, are emphasized to a greater degree by description as the brown, pine-needled floor. Hemingway makes clear that pine tree is thought of both as a living evergreen tree, i.e., green in color, as well as a tree that sheds its needles to create a brown blanket of cover on the floor of the forest. Also, the pine trees are not simple and unmoving objects. The pine trees have acted to cover the floor with needles, and they sway, having been blown by the wind. The character then is not alone in a woods, but rather he is among the pine trees who are moving and acting in the scene as the character does. Hemingway takes the emphasizing to a whole another literal level as he characterizes the interaction between the rain drops and rain and the tree and branches: â€Å"The trees were dripping in the rain. It was cold and the drops hung to the branches.† (Hemingway 1) Repetition is an obvious means by which Hemingway adds impact to the role that nature plays in his work: He was sorry for the birds, especially the small delicate dark terns that were always flying and looking and almost never finding, and he thought, the birds have a harder life than we do except for the robber birds and the heavy strong ones. (Hemingway 29) Hemingway does not simply state the characters idea that he feels sorry for a bird. Instead in this excerpt, Hemingway repeats birds, the type of birds, and the action of the birds over and over: birds, terns, flying, birds, robber birds and heavy strong ones. In this way, Hemingway adds focus to what the character is saying, he feels sorrow toward a particular type of bird, a vulnerable or delicate one, one with a harder life. Even beyond this, Hemingway implies that certain other birds are not worthy of sorrow; the robber birds who are heavy and strong are worthy of contempt. Through the repetition of the word bird or the bird-like descriptions, Hemingway expands his characters feelings and provides greater depth to what is stated. In this way, what is stated is given greater meaning, and the character also is given greater depth. Hemingway could state things in single manner, and in that one manner only. However, his writing style is to repeat an important theme. In this way, there is a certain point to be proven and he makes it clear by underscoring it by repetition. In the excerpt below, Hemingway addresses a snowstorm: In a snowstorm it always seemed, for a time, as if there were no enemies. In a snowstorm the wind would blow a gale; but it blew a white cleanness and the air was full of a driving whiteness and all things were changed and when the wind stopped there would be the stillness. This was a big storm and he might as well enjoy it. It was ruining everything, but you might as well enjoy it. (Hemingway 71) Here, the snowstorm, and other words such as â€Å"blow†, â€Å"blew†, â€Å"gale†, â€Å"cleanness†, â€Å"whiteness†, â€Å"stillness†, and again, â€Å"storm† all are variations on the meaning of what a snowstorm is and what it represents. It leaves a mental picture almost palpable, with the feel, the look and the sound of this aspect of nature. In addition to sentence placement, rich description and repetition, Hemingway personifies nature by giving to it human characteristics. In the following except, the rain is given a personality:  It turned cold that night and the next day it was raining. Coming home from Ospedale Maggiore it rained very hard and I was wet when I came in. Up in my room, the rain was coming down heavily outside on the balcony, and wind blew it against the glass doors. (Hemingway 142) In the three sentences above, Hemingway restates three times that it is raining and then finally emphasizes that the rain is blowing against the glass doors. The rain is shown to be insistent. The rain is not satisfied only to make the character wet while he is outside in the rain, but also the rain tries to barge into the characters room by blowing against the doors. In this way, Hemingway is not content to describe that it is raining, or even that it is raining hard. Instead, he uses imagery of a person prying against a door like a robber to convey that the rain has a purpose or a goal to achieve. Hemingway takes something as simple as the movement of a weed and beautifully plays it up to be something so much more: Just before it was dark, as they passed a great island of Sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket. (Hemingway 72) Personifying nature is giving it qualities of humans or portraying an aspect of nature to be doing an action that humans tend to do, Hemingway includes this aspect of writing in many of his works. In the above passage, Hemingway manifests the weeds â€Å"making love† in a certain movement. Nature is beautiful and was one of Hemingway’s great loves, yet he was not to sugar coat things. When something was mediocre, he brought it into the light: It stormed all that day. The wind drove down the rain and everywhere there was standing water and mud. The plaster of the broken houses was gray and wet. (Hemingway 174) Just as humans have both good and bad qualities, Hemingway illustrates that nature can mimic just the same. It would be a very great fate to find a paragraph of Hemingway’s that has nothing to do with nature. He carefully articulates each sentence and it has vast meaning. There may be question as to why he includes some; â€Å"‘Fish, he said, ‘I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends.’† (Hemingway 54). A man is speaking to a fish, he is well aware that the fish will not respond, but it’s the meaning of taking the time to include him telling the fish that he will have to kill him, assumedly for food. Hemingway addresses nature so as to emphasize its importance to his works. Nature is not simply a part of the setting of scenes by Hemingway in his works. Various depictions of nature are written in a manner that create a tension between nature and the characters. The fact that Hemingway is so careful to emphasize nature in his writing style cannot be viewed as accidental or sentimental. Hemingways work as a whole is remarkable for the reason that it is so precise and cut down to a bare minimum: A.J. Verdelle, what do you think {Hemingways] most positive legacy for American writing has been? A.J. Verdelle: Well, actually, I think that Hemingway changed American writing. I think that he lived in a time at the edge of the florid 19th century, long writing. And he made it spare. He made it new. He made it vigorous. He made it fresh. And I appreciate him a great deal for that. (Verdelle Web.) For his writing which is otherwise spare, Hemingway devotes much energy to making the appearances of nature in his work memorable and active.  Some may wonder why Hemingway chooses to write in such a spare manner, yet not one bit bland: Its really up to you how much you want to read into the pine needles. Regardless of whether they have any larger meaning, Hemingways use of the same image at the beginning and end of the book – not just pine needles, but Robert Jordan lying on them – gives the novel nice  bookends, and a nifty little sense of  circularity†¦ Reading a little more into it, its likely that the pine needles on the ground are meant to be the singular image for the land of Spain itself, for Spanish earth, which Robert Jordan loves. (Siminoff Web) Mr. Siminoff proves an excellent point about the pine needles, however, there are pine needles in France, Michigan, and Austria all places that Hemingway was familiar with and set other stories. So, isn’t the larger point about pine needles that Hemingway connects the action of his characters to nature? The immediacy or vividness of nature in Hemingways work comes from the precise and planned way in which Hemingway writes, giving great meaning in a condensed form to that which he places in a scene: Physical nature is nowhere rendered with greater vividness than in his work†¦The meadows, forests, lakes, and trout streams of America, and the arid, sculpturesque mountains of Spain, appear with astonishing immediacy, an immediacy not dependent upon  descriptive flourishes. (Bloom Web). Bloom studied many great American authors, thus making his knowledge of literature is pronounced. Hemingway wrote solely about the things that he knew, nature depriving itself from all the places he ever went or travelled. The accounts of criticism on the unique writing style of Hemingway are vast and numerous. One common thread between them all is that Hemingway put himself into each piece of literature that he wrote, each reflecting his life in a way: It seems fair to say that Hemingway never really understood himself. His well-publicized front of bravado and he-man feats masked a nature that was somehow empty. What comes through in the huge volume of letters edited by Carlos Baker is the portrait of a man utterly deluded about the extent and sources of his pain, a malicious bully whose exploits served to fill up a life in which something love, empathy, genuine  interest in others was missing. (Atlas Web). While harshly critical of Hemingway, there is a point to be made. They say it is best to write about the things you know, Hemingway did just this. Atlas believed his writing became mainstream and lost its freshness. He argued that Hemingway was missing something from his writing. However, this is only one account. Ernest Hemingway was a man among men. He was the true embodiment of a â€Å"jack of all trades.† All the nature, hunting, fishing, and war tales that he wrote were a part of him. These things were his life and all that he knew. Nature is evidentially manifested in Hemingway’s works through sentences placement, the repetition of a single element in nature, rich description, and by being given human characteristics parts of nature. Upon reading Hemingway novel or short story, immediately bound to a vivid perspective of nature the reader is and that is a true gift. Works Cited: Atlas, James. â€Å"Papa Lives† The Atlantic Monthly Group. 31 Mar. 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2011 Bloom, Harold. Blooms How to Write about Ernest Hemingway. New York: Infobase, 2009. Print. Bloom, Harold, ed. Bloom on Ernest Hemingway. Ernest Hemingway, Blooms Major Short Story Writers. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishing, 1999. Blooms Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. BMSSEH01SingleRecord=True (accessed February 3, 2011). Hemingway, Ernest. Farewell to Arms. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1929. Print. Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1952. Print. Hemingway, Ernest. Up in Michigan. The Short Stories. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1953. 81-87. Print  Reflections on Hemingway. Joe Stoppard. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. Siminoff, David. From Whom the Bell Tolls. Shmoop. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

An Analysis Of Glocalization And Social Welfare Politics Essay

An Analysis Of Glocalization And Social Welfare Politics Essay This term paper is on the topic Glocalization and Social Welfare. In this paper, the focus is what glocal means and how it works in the delivery or upholding social welfare. The term Glocal basically refers to the merging or blending of local and global forces: global in local or local in global: either way it refers to the forces of global and local acting together. By social welfare it is understood that it means something affecting the society, public goods as in something that the society needs or is affected by it. In the context of glocalization; social welfare is understood as how local and global actors or forces come together to uphold social welfare aspects like health, the people, the ecology, women and working class, specifically aiming towards the third world countries. This paper takes into account glocal forces as actors like NGOs and other organizations formed with the initiative of local and global forces to counter the ill effects of globalization on society and uph old social welfare from the local and in the global context. INTRODUCTION: To understand the concept of Glocalization, an understanding of globalization as a process is to be gained. Since glocalization has basically two positions, both defined by the concept of globalization. The two statuses of Glocalization are: Firstly, glocalization can be seen as a result of and an alternative to globalization, and secondly, it may also be referred to as an opposition to globalization. Since most of the scholars involved in explaining glocalization, has often taken the understanding that it emerged because of the grave problems and the negative impacts or consequences of the globalization process. Globalization as a process of integration and interconnectedness in terms of economic, social and political forces has led to various outcome. It has led to greater interaction among states and also led to the increase of non-state actors like transnational corporations and multinational corporations in the economic sector all around the world. And it also brought a decrease in the role of the state and led to the emergence and proliferation of a number of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and non-state actors in the economic, political and social sectors which operated and had implications on the global and the local arena. Such interaction of the global and local forces is termed as glocalization, the interaction of local-level government with the state and the interaction of this state and its representation in the international/global arena is what glocalization captures. Glocalization basically refers to the interaction or a blending of the local forces with the global forces, or vice-versa, impacting and influencing the other sector. Glocalization in terms of the social aspect basically refers to the impact of globalization on social aspects such as culture, and also in terms of social welfare it relates to the forces involved in the matters of rights, education, women and children and also the ecology. Insecurity is what its based on; earlier insecurity existed only in military terms; of one country going into war with the other; however the concept of security and insecurity now deals with other sectors i.e. the non-traditional security relating to the environment and others. Globalization increa sing the interaction among nations and bringing about a homogeneous notion of culture, security and economy has now led to a proliferation in matters of insecurities. It has added more problems to the world today. Globalization and increasing economic interconnectedness was supposed to be directed towards the entire world contributing to world economy in order for everyone to be well off, however such economic accomplishments have only been diverted mostly towards the developed or the rich countries, thereby it is felt that globalization has increased the level of poverty mostly in the already poor developing or underdeveloped or undeveloped countries, especially the third world countries. When the arguments of the hyper globalists are taken we see that globalization was intended on creating one world, a homogeneous entity. Homogeneous in terms of economy, political and socio cultural aspects, glocalization on the other hand has been seen to emphasize heterogeneity; mainly in terms of culture the term associated would be Creolizaiton- referring to the evoking of cultural fusion and the emergence of new cultures across the globe. Other synonyms for glocalization of culture, and creolization would be mixture or hybridization. On cultural terms we see glocalization to stand contrary to what globalization advocates. One definition of glocalization to be noted is; Glocalization can be defined as an interpretation of the global and the local, resulting in unique outcomes of different geographic areas, it emphasizes global heterogeneity and tends to reject the idea of the West/ Americanization. The concept of glocalization is seen to be contrary to Modernization Theory, which dealt with issues of central concern in the West and the rest of the world to blindly follow the West. Tony Blair, Globalization as a process has been termed as an irreversible and an inevitable process: Bill Clinton, Globalization is not a policy choice, it is a fact. This shows that the west had too much faith in the process of globalization and its impacts. Therefore, it is here that glocalization provides for a critique and an alternative to the globalization, since globalization now is taken as an important process and many have ignored the problems caused by it, glocalization theorists point out to these problems and therefore formulate their idea of the concept that developed. Economically, glocalization would mean the local control of the economy and fair distribution locally. Technology and Information to be encouraged to flow when and where they could strengthen the local economies. The problems of globalization, first would be that with its idea of liberalization, increases the integration of markets and also increases interference. Colin Hines mentions that this leads to reduction of democratic controls over economic affairs, international competition leads to increases interference and therefore leads to erosion of social welfare standards and an environmental regulation with regard to international trade is lost. The burden basically falls on the third world developing countries. In this context what Hines suggests is localization, that is the seen as an alternative to the problems created by globalization, by localization, Hines means which reverses the trend of globalization by favoring the local. Why the critique of globalization emerged, was because with the principles of integration and interconnectedness globalization was to provide an overall development, that is development of countries all over the world, a global process of development was to foster growth in the economic, political and social sector of the entire nation states. However this was not so, instead it has been pointed out that there was a global rise in inequality, declining social and environmental conditions and a loss of power by the sovereign state, local governments and citizens and the major beneficiaries of these processes were the Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and the multinational corporations (MNCs), there was a sharp increase in underdevelopment and underpayment. In the 1 960s the income of the richest fifth of the worlds population were 30 times greater than that of the poorest fifth, and in 1991 it was over sixty times and the 1998 report by United Nations, it was seventy-eight times high. In the 1990s the International Labor Organization reported that one third of the worlds population were underemployed. The 1990 report by the International Labor Organization mentioned that one-third of the worlds population were underemployed.1 Globalization therefore was seen to have negative impacts on nation states, the gap between the rich and the poor were widening. Globalization stands for delocalizaiton i.e. displacement of activities which were local and turning it into a world-wide activities. Globalization stood for the lifting of social activities out of the local knowledge and placing them in networks in which they are conditioned by and condition world-wide events. The process of globalization stands for homogenization, where the processes around the world become one and the same for all the countries. Global actors or institutions like the TNCs engage themselves in different countries, however they do not totally bring about homogenization, certain companies do get involved and adapt to local conditions to maximize local demand for products and service and to minimize their chance of being discriminated against by trade and investment. This is known as Glocalization, defined as a companys attempt to become acc epted as a local citizen in a different trade bloc and little control is given to the area of strategic concern. On economic matters, due to globalization the delocalization gaps between the rich and the poor countries are widening. GLOCALIZATION AS A PROCESS: Glocalization involves the blending of the global and local forces. Its evolution was based on a Japanese term Dochakuka which meant the adoption of farming technique to ones local condition. In the business world the term actually mean global localization, according to Wordspy, glocalization refered to the creation of the products or services intended for the global market, but customized to serve the local cultures, in social sciences the term used or a synonym for glocalization is indigenization. 2 Ronald Robertson has been an important figure in the study of globalization. For him, globalization was not a recent phenomenon, it has existed as a part of the modernization theory, with its emphasis on convergence and homogenization (basically westernization), and he mentioned globalization as the interpenetration of the universalization of the particularization and the particularization of universalism. Globalization and glocalization was to be thought of as interdependent processes, Robertson argued that local and global instead of constituting analytical opposites locality can be regarded, with certain reservations, as an aspect of globalization. 3 Hines, Colin. 2000. Localization: A Global Manifesto, London: Earthscan. Khondker, Habibul.H. Glocalization as Globalization: Evolution of a Sociological Concept, Bangladesh e-journal of Sociology, Vol.1, No.2. July 2004. Eade, John. Living the global City: Globalization as a local process, Routledge Publ. Robertson mentions glocalization to be an accurate term to describe the global/local relationship. There exits the globalization of the locality and the localization of what is global. As such the processes are that of macro localization and micro globalization. Habib in his work Glocalization as Globalization: Evolution of a Sociological Concept, cites examples of such micro globalization and macro localization. For the former he cites the example of social movements like the feminist and the ecological movements which start in small local spaces and then gets expanded to a larger area, also a global arena. Contrary to this view of globalization and glocalization being interdependent processes is the view of the likes of Midgley, who view globalization to be harmful for local economies, as they undermine the role of the sovereign states and uphold the roles of corporations and also create unemployment and poverty in various parts of the world. They believe that globalization leads to a lack of accountability in the new emerging era and as increased economic forces and complex international relations make it difficult to identify the source of the problem, as such so assigning of little responsibility to nation state or companies for any harm that maybe inflicted upon society as a whole and therefore scholars prefer glocalization to enhance the social welfare of citizens. In the era of globalization the role of the state in the social arena is decreased and therefore glocalization here presents a potential to create new social actors and structures that are essentially local in spirit and global in character capable of responding to local social problems brought on by neglect of welfare state in a format backed by global insight and power. Philip Hong and In Han Song suggested development of a globalized social policy assisted by and international organization that together can establish and advocate a common set of solutions to increase global pressures and create opportunities for investing more in such things as education, employment and vital public services. Through this top-down approach of global forces acting at local levels, authors argue that glocalization of social work might offer a means for advancing local welfare and contribute the strength needed to comfort increasing complex global social problems more pronounced into the future. Glocalization and social welfare can be assessed through the analysis of civil society organizations and the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs). Glocalization for social welfare through NGOs etc. means pressing for certain rights, protecting the local globally/from global to local/going local. Local government officials have been the most useful when they have supported local problem solvers. What Hines suggested was localization which mean de-globalization i.e. the reversal of the process of globalization, turning back everything under local control and local management, which now seems quite possible since globalization has been an age old phenomenon and has brought about innumerable changes which cannot be reversed, as it is difficult to reverse or its removal or reversal is undesirable since globalization has not only had negative effects but positive ones too. As such its reversal would not really be feasible. So glocalization serves as a suitable policy process, since it doe s not demand for a reversal of the globalized process but emphasizes the combined functioning of both the local and the global forces, neither complete globalization nor completes localization, it serves as a neutral policy, gaining from both aspects. It is said that glocalization provides for a blend of local and global forces and in the name of such a blend an example that can be cited is that of the United Nations (UN). The UN being an international/ global organization comprised of member countries from all over the world provides policies for social welfare sectors like that of health, education, environment, rights, the question of women and children and culture. The impact of UN policies are great, it looks into matters which have effect on local levels as well, citing example of the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs), formulated in terms of eradicating poverty, promoting proper health and education, ecological protection and others have been adopted by member nations and these MDGs have also been taken up on state level. According to Scholte, glocalization involves the formulations of certain rules and regulatory institutions for better governance of local agendas with respect to global matters. It is argued that the global governance institutions lack the kinds of formal accountability that national and local governments can provide. World bodies like Commonwealth, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and the World Bank, they all lack popularly elected executive and therefore this hampers accountability. Insufficient accountability compromises most problems like poverty, inequality, environmental defense, disease and violence are not effectively addressed or eradicated. Therefore through civil society organizations help could be provided, however the sceptics argued such civil society organizations run by elites would further increase the problem of accountability. Contemporary society operates through global frames alongside social spaces. Along with local NGOs there also exists inter-regional associations like the European Union, Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), ASEAN ( Association of South East Asian Nations), Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) which has been termed as the most developed interregional arrangement. Along with this there exists trans-localism, with groups like UCLG- United Cities and Local Governments, ICLEI, local governments for sustainability. Therefore global governance involves international institutes, inter-regional institutes and trans-local institutes, and good governance in this respect means that these institutes as actors are answerable for its action to the beneficiary for whom they are acting. Glocalization brings out the best in dealing with the local problems with tis reference to global issues though civil society. Such CSOs as human collectivity, people relate to one another on the basis of openness, tolerance, respect, trust and non-violence. Secondly, also a political space where citizens congregate to deliberate upon actual and prospective circumstances of their collective life. The qualities of civil society initiatives like peace movements, human rights advocates, advanced dignity of disabled persons, indigenous populations, outcasts, people of color, sexual minorities and women, citizen campaigns for animal rights and ecological integrity. Certain NGO staff members have represented several small island states in multilateral negotiations on climate change- in china and parts of Africa the relationship between civic groups and the state has sometimes been so close that the associations in question have been dubbed as GONGOs-Government organized NGOs. Some environmental organizations have held observer status in the body that oversees implementation of 1987 Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Codex Alimentarius Commission- a Rome based supra-state agency on world food standards and the International Organization have consulted global companies in the process of setting norms. Each country, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child- has always received an alternative report from civic groups. By 1990, most major UN organs had established a special division for liaison with NGOs. Marrakesh Agreement establishing WTO provided for appropriate arrangements for consultation and cooperation with NGOS. Suggestions for proposals regarding a Peoples Assembly or chamber of companies to be created in the UN alongside General Assembly of States have been made. NGO forums exercised notable influence on declarations and programs of action at various UN sponsored global issue conferences of 1990s. New politics emerged when several civic groups channel important part of their efforts to shape official policy though supra-state agencies as through governments. This has been apparent in environmental regeneration, autonomy of indigenous people, position of women, opportunities for the disabled and world peace. E.g. Movement for the survival of the Ogoni people (MOSOP) created in 1990. MOSOP used support of trans-border environmental, religious, human rights organizations. In other words, it is possible in contemporary politics for grassroots groups to advance their causes though coalitions with NGOs, global governance agencies and even global companies. Two private sector policy makers have been influential in influencing many programs at low levels, these are namely: Ford Foundation and World Economic Forum. Ford Foundation established in 1936 to fund social programs in Michigan. Its funds and grants were to go to NGOs and were to be free from the scrutiny of the state governments. 1960s, ford foundation played a major role in educating development economists, promoting Green Revolution in agriculture, sponsoring population control programs and linking environment and development policies. World Economic Forum, was launched in 1971 was instrumental in launching the Uruguay Round of World Trade negotiations and helped forge links between local and global capital in China, India, Latin America and Russia and post-apartheid South Africa. World Economic Forum also addressed inter-state conflicts with conciliation attempts in affairs as the Arab-Israeli and Greeco-Turkish disputes. Non-official initiatives in environmental regulation are the Ford, Packard and Rockefeller foundation supported major conservation programs. In 1980, World Conservation union (IUCN) and WWF collaborated with UNEP to launch a World Conservation Strategy that developed guidelines for states. World Resources Institute (WRI) formulated the Tropical Forestry Action Plan in 1980 jointly with the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and UNDP. International Council of Science Union plays an advisory role to the World Meteorological Organization and UNEP in setting up and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1988. The Secretariat for the Convention on International Trade in endangered species of wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has worked in close cooperation with the IUCN and the WWF. IUCN, WRI and UNEP jointly organized the Bio-Diversity Conservation Strategy Program. NGOS and emancipatory new social movements provide a progressive way forward to more effective and just regulation. Lena Dominelli mentions that initiatives have to be taken to engage in mutual exchanges between local and global players. Locality specific versions of social work was directed to be a resistance to the homogenizing trends embedded in social relations driven by profit motives and the desire of entrepreneurs to appropriate other peoples labor, material resources, geographic spaces and intellectual property. Human, social and environmental degradation is increasing and despite government rhetoric about equal opportunity, elimination of poverty particularly among children within the UK, and on a global scale of twenty-eight billion people expressed and agreed at World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995 and Millennium Development Goals pronounced at the UN. The roles of associations like the IASSW International Association of Schools of Social Work, International Council on Social Work (ICSW) and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), promoting cross border solidarity in matters of this kind. The benefits of globalization have been contested by anti-globalization movements which demanded economic growth should sustain human beings and the environment in which they live rather than gathering profits for the few. International organizations include such as the Red-Cross OXFAM, and the Save the Children are NGOs that practice on issues like poverty, disasters and health matters, mostly associated with aid and relief. The American New Deal under Franklin D. Roosevelt was nearest the USA could come to guaranteeing provision for families with dependent children and for older people. The concerns with extreme levels of deprivation and threat of social disorder and devastation by second world war especially Europe were picked by Roosevelt and other at United Nations and led to an agreement around Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). UDHR covered civil, political and social rights including the right to welfare. In addition to the organizations of the UN system and the Washington-based financial institutions, such as the international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like the Human Rights Watch and CARE, such transnational corporations as Shell and Citibank, and global media like the BBC and CNN exerted a growing influence on state policies, and also brought to a large extent the proliferation in the number of NGOs. The involvements of such actors are basically a part of the good governance agenda. They help especially in the Third World and Eastern Europe to bring about changes, certain scholars have been critical of the World Bank intervention in these countries, and mentioned that instead of good governance, what World Bank policies have led to is bad governance. As such, UN commentary on good governance has led to certain ideas namely, the universal protection of Human Rights; non-discriminatory laws; efficient, impartial and rapid judicial processes; transparent public agencies; ac countability for decisions by public officials; devolution of resources and decision making to local levels from the capital and meaningful participation by citizens in debating public policies and choices.4 A report from UNDPs Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States emphasized the prerequisites for equity, legitimacy and efficiency: A legitimately strong government can be described as one that commands sufficient confidence in its legitimacy to allow for a strong civil society, and for a network of non-governmental institutions and regulations that ensure the development of a well-functioning economic system, the strengthening of democratic procedures and a widespread participation by people in public life. Giving the state a role to play in the domestic arena may lead to capacity building; in such a way there may be more effective partnerships and institutions internationally and at home, emphasized by the World Development Report 1997. UNDP has since the early 1990s shifted from traditional public sector management to addressing sensitive issues of governance as the human rights etc. And thus emphasized on capacity building; with this emphasis on capacity building for civil Weiss, Thomas.G. Governance, Good Governance and Global Governance: Conceptual and Actual Challenges, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 21. No.5. (Oct.2000).pp. 795-814. society and the private sector has mean that the UN system has a comparative advantage in many of the developing countries. Good governance entails the working of state and civil society actors closely together, Mahbub ul Haq has given the concept of good governance as to be directed towards the notion of human development and thereby leading to Humane Governance. This humane governance has also been emphasized by J.A. Scholte in his book Globalization: a critical introduction, he has mentioned the various issues as insecurities, basically as a result of globalization. Such insecurities are not that of traditional security in terms of the military security and defense but this includes that of Ecological integrity, Health, Poverty, Employment, Working conditions and identity and local knowledge. We can make out from these various insecurities that Scholte talked in aspect of social welfare. The emphasis is on the negative impacts of contemporary globalization on human security. ECOLOGY INTERGRITY: The global environmental issues have become a very critical source of insecurity, global capitalism or global races for capital and development have been particularly harmful for the ecology. Such race have particularly been harmful for the countries of the South, since most ministries have abandoned the environmental projects and policies in an effort to achieve the fiscal targets connected with globally sponsored structural adjustment programmes. Environmental issues are a very good example of how local and global forces interact with each other or affect each other. Various movements at the local level for environmental protection have been raised against the global forces which push countries towards the process of development which are harmful to the ecology of the country. To cite an example would be the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) in India. A fight a dam Sardar Sarovar Dam to be built on the river Narmada in Central India, this NBA consisted mostly of peasants and tribals, le d by people like Baba Amte and also later activists like Medha Patkar were successful in fighting against the project which was to be funded by the World Bank. They were successful in stopping the Bank from funding the project and thereby got the project banned. This NBA was able to succeed in their efforts since they were able to well-establish links with environmental groups overseas. The Japanese environmentalists persuaded their government not to advance money for the Narmada Valley Project and also US groups were sympathetic to the cause and were also able to persuade their government to do the same. Support from environmentalist from both these countries also helped to persuade the World Bank to give up on the project.5 Environmental issues in industrialized countries had to do with the quality of life, whereas in Africa, Asia and Latin America it mostly was based on survival, the rights to live and work in a healthy environment, the responsibility to protect habitats, livelihoods and systems of life support from contamination, depletion (extraction), and destruction, and also the determination to restore or rehabilitate what has already been harmed. These are the issues that the countries of the South face in terms of ecology, and more sensitive to this issue have been women, ecofeminism as can been referred to. There are inter-linkages in the experience of grassroots environmental movements worldwide namely: the struggle to save old growth forests in Europe, womens initiatives to secure Rangarajan, Mahesh. Environmental Issues in India, Chap.22. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. safe food supplies in the industrial core of Poland, community efforts in Spain to fight toxic waste dumping, womens movements to retain access to land and forest resources in Kenya, and womens participation in the struggles of the rubber tappers union to protect their forest homes and work places in the Brazilian Amazon.6 Women carry a disproportionate share of responsibilities for resource procurement and environmental maintenance however they have very limited rights to determine the future of resource availability and environmental quality. Women have been at the forefront of emerging grassroots groups, social movements and local political organizations engaged in environmental, socio economic and political struggles. These phenomena are not localized; it is taking place around the world. Sound environmental policies and practice are required in order to achieve sustainable development. In this respect there are certain assumptions that are given: firstly that the involvement of women in collective action around the world, there are critical linkages between global environmental and economic processes and the recent surge in womens participation in public for a, particularly in relation to ecological and economic concern. This surge in womens activism is a response to actual changes in local enviro nmental conditions as well as to discursive shifts toward sustainable development in national and international political circles. Secondly, relates to women are beginning to define their identities and the meaning of gender through expressions of human agency and collective action emphasizing struggles, resistance and cooperation, and also have now included womens knowledge, experience and interests as a worldwide phenomenon, and that the process and results in any one place reflect historical, social and geographical specificity. There are various victories claimed by womens participation in environmental protection at local levels; namely the widespread planting of tress by the Womens Green Belt movement of Kenya, the protection of the Himalayan forests from timber concessionaries by the Chipko Movement in India, in North America grassroots movements led by women have prevented the disposal of toxic wastes. International level organizations that bridge the gap between local and the global have been Womens Congress for a Healthy Planet, WEDO- Women, Environment and Development Organization; WEDNET- Women, Environment and Development Network; and Worldwide Network for women all bring concerns of these locally based movements to national and international policy fora. Global Governance of ecological matters has made notable advances, even though the UN Charter of 1945 did not mention environment, but UN-